Arithmetic Algebra Homework book is a static version of the WeBWork online homework assignments that accompany the textbook Arithmetic Algebra for the developmental math courses MAT 0630 and MAT 0650 at New York City College of Technology, CUNY.
Homework And Remembering Book Grade 4
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Gradescope deadlines are universal - you must turn in your code, and it doesn't matter whether youdidn't turn it in because it wasn't compiling, or couldn't upload it to git, or couldn't upload itto gradescope. You can turn in homework assignments an unlimited number of times, so we recommendthat you turn them in early and often.
Because these deadlines are so rigid, by default we will not include your lowest exam, your lowesthomework, and your two lowest lab, discussion, and quiz scores in your final grade for the class.The later assignments and exams in the course are more difficult than the earlier ones, and there isno exceptional late policy - we recommend that you do not use these unless you genuinely need to, sothat they're available if unexpected issues come up.
If your lowest exam and/or lowest homework grades are higher than your course average, we willinclude them in the calculation of your final grade. This means that your lowest exam and lowesthomework can't hurt your final grade, they can only help it, so it will always be worth it tocomplete every assignment.
Reading quizzes, lab activities, homeworks, and exams are all graded forcorrectness. Homeworks are autograded using a script, so it is important thatyou submit your code early to (a) make sure you can successfully submit it and(b) that your code can pass the autograder tests. We do not give partial creditfor incomplete or partially correct code. However, we do manually inspect andgive full credit for anyone whose code works correctly, but was gradedincorrectly due to the autograder. Please contact the instructors via Piazza ifyou think your homework was graded incorrectly.
Students who meaningfully engage with each other, either through Piazza or duringthe class discussion sessions can raise their discussion grade up to a maximum of 18/8.Additionally, I will consider high quality discussion question answers for students who are veryclose to any grade cutoffs at the end of the semester. Submitting bug fixes or providing test casesfor homework assignments can also earn extra credit.