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Simply put, Riddick has been brought to a prison called Butcher Bay by a bounty hunter named Johns. Johns aims to pay off a debt he owes to the warden, greasy Chesney Hawkes look alike Hoxie, by surrendering his much-sought-after charge into his custody, but from the moment Riddick arrives he has other ideas. By doing favours for other inmates and fighting his way past the guards, he hopes to escape. And while other factors come into play - some that make sense if you saw Pitch Black, some that won't until Chronicles takes a bow - generally speaking, our bald-headed anti-hero does exactly what it says on the Vin. Sorry, tin. Sorry, box.


The game picks up where Escape from Butcher Bay left off. Richard B. Riddick is a dangerous space criminal who can see in the dark. Johns, the man who originally took Riddick to the Butcher Bay prison for a bounty, helped him escape to avoid becoming a prisoner himself. On their ship together in a cryogenic sleep, they are dragged unwillingly into the Dark Athena, a gigantic mercenary vessel run by Gale Revas (voiced by Michelle Forbes) and her second in command, Spinner. Riddick avoids capture as Revas and her men take Johns away. Using the same stealth tactics as he did in Butcher Bay, Riddick sneaks and hides throughout the ship seeking to escape, killing the guards and mercenaries he encounters along the way. Many of the guards are automated drones that are human bodies with implanted machine parts, controlled remotely from within the ship.

He meets with a little girl named Lynn who is hiding from the guards in the air vent systems. Riddick makes his way to the prison cells and finds several people captured, including the former Captain of the Dark Athena before Revas took control. There he meets Lynn's mother, Ellen Silverman. She offers to make Riddick the tools he needs to escape through the air vents if he can get the right parts. She also asks to find Lynn because she is concerned for her safety. Another prisoner named Dacher (voiced by Lance Henriksen) offers his technical skills to help Riddick escape on a ship and unlock doors for him if Riddick can find him a com link. He agrees and finds the com link for Dacher and the parts for Silverman. Having again met with Lynn, Silverman keeps her word and makes him the tool he needs. Riddick moves on and is in contact with Dacher via video communication at computer terminals on the ship. Riddick frees the prisoners but most are killed, including Lynn's mother Silverman. Revas kills Dacher as he prepares the ship for their escape. Riddick finally meets Revas face to face. As they fight, he wounds her severely and she is thought to be dead. As he is preparing an escape pod to take off, Lynn is pounding on the door begging to take her with him. Revas, who is still alive as Riddick's pod takes off, fires a missile that hits the pod, causing it to crash on the planet Aguerra Prime below.

You are Riddick, the most wanted man in the universe. The enigmatic anti-hero of Riddick is famous, of course, from the runaway sleeper hit of 2000--Pitch Black--and its sequel, The Chronicles of Riddick. This game takes place before either of the movies, filling in some of the backstory of Riddick's dark and dangerous past. Make a dramatic escape from Butcher Bay, the galaxy's deadliest prison, in this intense fusion of first-person shooter, fighter, and stealth adventure.


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